There are hundreds of ways to make your office more eco-friendly and you can view our related posts here. This week, we wanted to mention a few simple things you can do to help your office become environmentally-friendly. Below, we found an article by Julia Mahlen, an environmental advocate and freelance writer, with simple measures that will have great positive effects on the environment that are incredibly easy for your team to implement.
The kitchen area
A smaller, yet more efficient, way to help your office become environmentally-friendly is by sprucing up your kitchen area. Try using organic coffee and replacing disposal cups with reusable mugs. By creating less waste and using organic products, your office is taking one small step toward helping the environment. Considering the amount of coffee that is consumed at an office, it may be more help than you think.
Energy-saving mode
Making sure everyone uses the energy-saving mode on his or her electronics is another great way to help your office go green. Using energy-saving mode may seem frivolous, but it’s an easy way for your office to save power. Turning off your electronics and unplugging them when they’re not in use will also help to conserve energy consumption. Not only will you help the environment by saving this energy, but you’ll also help to lower your bills.
Office supplies
Eco-friendly office and cleaning supplies are another great way to help your office go green. These chemicals and supplies can be found very easily by going online. The next time your office runs out of supplies, consider these options to help do your part.
Refurbished phone systems
Using refurbished phone systems for your office is a great first step in becoming environmentally-friendly. If you’re in need of a new phone system anyway, then this is a great route to go. A common misconception about refurbished phones is that they are broken phones that have been repaired. In reality, most refurbished phones have never even been used. Refurbished phones are products that have been sent back to the manufacturer for any reason. In most cases, refurbished phones were returned due to miscalculations in ordering. This is a great way to get a brand new phone system and save the environment, because if nobody purchases refurbished phones, they are perfectly good phones that have to go to waste, literally.
Carpool incentives
Finally, offering carpool incentives is a great way to encourage employees to be environmentally-friendly. Whether it’s parking paid by management, or any other unrelated perk, people are definitely more likely to carpool if you give them an added incentive. Once employees start carpooling, they’ll probably love the amount of money they save on gas each week. Additionally, this can greatly reduce your company’s effect on the environment by reducing carbon emissions.
Clearly, there are many changes you can start making to reduce your business’ effects on the environment. Imagine how much the environment would benefit if all offices took these small steps towards going green.
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